This Week's Challenge

Hug somebody who needs it.

Tuesday, January 26

Good evening. Once again work was an oppressive beast today. I feel completely overwhelmed, but again am happy to have work to do, and to have an opportunity to give an example of God's love.

I am tired though - I almost decided to not do a post tonight. I didn't want to lose momentum though, so here we are.

Reading for January 26

Exodus 2:11-3:22
Moses Begins

Moses grows up and realizes that he is not Egyptian, but actually a member of the Israelites that were currently working under his government. One day, Moses went down to where they lived and was upset to see their living conditions. He was also upset to see that an Egyptian official was beating the heck out of an Israelite. Moses made sure no one was looking and then killed this guy...well someone was looking and eventually the Pharaoh found out about it. Moses decided to flee the land before he was killed.

While Moses was out in the wilderness he got a wife, new land and a message from God. The message from God is one of the most famous stories of the Bible - The burning bush. A bush close to Moses sets fire and God speaks to Moses, giving him instructions on how to free his people from slavery.

I find it interesting that at this point, God appears in such a strange, abstract way. In early Genesis, he would just come down to earth and chill out. Now he's in the form of a burning bush. Strange.

Anyway - at this point, God tells Moses that he will inflict a bunch of plagues on the Egyptian people until they release the Israelites from captivity and slavey and that's kind of where it ends.

So tired...

Matthew 17:10-27
Rebuking his disciples

I know I've heard explanations of this text before, but I forget what they were...

Basically someone comes to the disciples to have them heal his son. The disciples are unable to do it and Jesus almost mocks them.
“You faithless and corrupt people! How long must I be with you? How long must I put up with you?"
What's the deal with that kind of attitude? I've never healed anyone, does that mean that Jesus is just "putting up with me"? Let me know what you think in the comments...

Psalm 22:1-18
A different tune

A few nights ago, I posted how David sounded cocky in that psalm. Now it appears he has been humbled:
 6 But I am a worm and not a man.
      I am scorned and despised by all!
 7 Everyone who sees me mocks me.
      They sneer and shake their heads, saying,
 8 “Is this the one who relies on the Lord?
      Then let the Lord save him!
   If the Lord loves him so much,
      let the Lord rescue him!”
This is more in line with how I thought the bible would play out. 

Proverbs 5:7-14

More warnings against the adulterous woman. Solomon continues to describe what happens if you get caught up with a temptress and how it will ruin your life. He warns to not even get close to her house. Again, this could be applied to many addictive sins - don't even get in a situation where it might happen. That way you can avoid it all together.

Alright, I am so tired. I must sleep now. Good night dearest friends.

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