This Week's Challenge

Hug somebody who needs it.

A Request to Follow

I was looking at the "how to make your blog successful" page and they suggest I ask you guys to 'follow' this blog. I have four followers right now but if you could that would be great! Not that I'm looking for success, but its really exciting to know that people are reading.

Additionally - a poll.  Respond in the comments if you have a stance either way.

Would you mind if I added advertising to this site if I promised to give any profit I get to church or charity?

- A. I don't want to see any stupid ads. Don't do it.
- B. I don't mind ads. Do it.

Thanks for your support everyone!


  1. you also have 1 subscriber(to the rss feed)! since i view you in bloglines, i wont see the ads anyway, so do what you like.

  2. B - Go for it, Man!
