This Week's Challenge

Hug somebody who needs it.

Book Report - Genesis

My first completed book of this project is Genesis. I can now clearly map the path from Adam and Eve to the Israelites ending up in Egypt.

Adam and Eve are created. They are living in paradise, but screw up and ruin the whole world. Also, they are apparently responsible for things like the Earthquake in Haiti. Way to go Adam and Eve. Anyway, they have some kids, and one of them kills another one. Things go downhill from here, until it gets so bad that God has to cancel humanity, except for one dude, Noah, and his family and 2 of every animal in the world. RESET.

Noah's family grows and repopulates the earth until Abraham comes around. Abraham is a good guy and followed God for his whole life. When he is super old, God comes down in human form (actually in the form of three human men) and promises Abraham and his wife a child. They have several children, one of which is Isaac. Isaac has a ton of kids too from various wives, but the two main ones are Jacob and Esau.

Jacob screws over Esau a few times and then runs away. He continues the Abraham lineage and also has a ton of kids. One of these kids is Joseph. Joseph is sold as a slave to the Egyptians, but he ends up saving the world from a hunger crisis. Then all of his family, the now Israelites settle in Egypt and live there and prosper for many years.


One of my pastors and great mentors from my old church, ORB, used to always say that God is the main character in the Old Testament. I definitely see God in a new way just after reading this one book. We are God's creation. We are something he spent time and thoughts and energy on, and I believe he continues to do so. God was way more present with his creation earlier on, then seemed to step back further and further as his great experiment took shape.

Nowadays, its hard to see God at all. There is a common thought about God that if he exists, he is absent from this world. And I can see how that would be easy to believe. I mean back then people got miracles and direct interaction with God. Now we're lucky if we can even figure out what he wants us to do with our lives.

I am fairly certain that God is not absent. He wouldn't spend so much time on creating us and so much pain dying for us, only to be like "ehh...screw it. I'm bored. When does God of War III come out?"

He. Loves. Us.

If you don't have kids, think about a dog or pet you've had. Even if they kept screwing up, would you just take them for a walk one day and then abandon them in the park? No way! You would do everything you could to keep that pet alive and happy. Maybe I'm biased cuz I love my little bulldog baby, but you know what I mean...

I believe God loves his creation. His creation being this world and everything in it. So should we love his creation. So, in short, love eachother - because there is someone who loves all of us.

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