This Week's Challenge

Hug somebody who needs it.

Sunday, February 14

Oh yeah. Happy Valentines Day! So we just got back from Jilly's V-Day surprise. I'm gonna build a little anticipation here...

So I knew that whatever we were doing was scheduled for 7:15. So I thought it might be a show, or a Devils game or something. I tried to find shows or games all week that were today at 7:15, and could not find anything. Well, tonight rolled around and I still had no idea what we were doing. We left the house around 6:45, so I knew we weren't going too far and also that we were probably getting dinner somewhere since we hadn't eaten. Jilly also made me dress up, so I figured we were doing something somewhat fancy. So Jilly's driving us down Rt. 17 and I still have no idea what's going on. Then finally the car starts to slow down, she puts the blinker on, and pulls into White Castle.

Oh yes. White Castle. I was beyond excited. She made us reservations for White Castle for Valentines Day. So we walk in - and the place is packed. Like no joke full to capacity. There is a maitre de checking peoples' reservations; the tables all had tablecloths, menus, roses and candles; and we had a waiter. He started by taking our drink order and returned with the two largest sodas I've ever seen. I seriously think they were a half gallon of soda each. Then he took our food order. Jilly got one cheeseburger and a milkshake, I got "Sack Meal #1". For Valentines Day.

We ate, left the guy a tip and headed out. We were in the restaurant for a total of 15 minutes. I laughed the entire time. It was the most amazing Valentines Day I've ever had. My wife totally gets me and I love her so much. Here's some pictures of the wonderful evening:

OK - now on to the non-White Castle related portion. The Bible.

Reading for February 14
Exodus 37:1-38:31
OK - so this entire section of text consists of the specifications of the things that were built as requested by God. The dimensions of everything, what everything was made out of, who contributed the materials, how many hooks or rings were attached to it, what the rings were made of, and on and on. Does this sound boring to you? Yeah, me too. But I thought, this can't just be arbitrary information, if its in the Bible, it's here for a good reason. My thoughts are that this info is so detailed so if future generations find these items, they can reference the Bible to see if what they found is actually what is described. And if that is true, it gives some secular credibility to the Bible as - at the very least - a historical document.

The other thing that I found interesting is the use of 'acacia wood'. It seems like almost everything in this section is built out of this specific wood. So I did what any good scholar of the Bible would do - I googled acacia wood. Turns out that this wood is often used to make incense in the eastern religions and is thought to repel demons and ghosts, but make God or the gods happy. And what they're building in this section of Exodus is the Tabernacle, which is like a temporary "mobile temple" which would be the place where God would come down to Earth and dwell. Later this Tabernacle would be placed in the temple of Jerusalem. So its interesting that the wood used for the Jewish holy place where God dwells is used by other religions for holy things as well.

Matthew 28:1-20

So last night when I said the crucifixion was the crux and climax of the Bible, I was wrong. It is actually the resurrection, which is what happens here. So Jesus is dead. Buried in a cave with an enormous stone blocking it. And there are two guards in front of that. On Sunday, the third day, Jesus' mother and Mary Magdelen come to the tomb to find it empty and the stone rolled away. An angel comes and tells them not to be afraid, because Jesus is alive and in Galilee. He tells them to go let the disciples know what's happening.

Shortly thereafter, the "leading priests" met with the guards from Jesus' tomb. The leading priests bribed the guards to tell everyone that the disciples came during the night and stole Jesus body. Basically, that this resurrection didn't happen. Obviously they felt threatened by someone rising from the dead and didn't want things to change. The Bible says that "Their story spread widely among the Jews, and they still tell it today." I've always wondered what the Jewish response to Jesus is. I've never really talked religion with a Jewish person before, I wonder if this is their actual belief. It would be cool to talk to someone about that...

Jesus then meets a group of people in Galilee and commisions everyone to go out into the world and "make disciples of all nations" (meaning, not just the Israelites anymore). Jesus is essentially telling these people - and today's reader by extension - to start and be the church. Not what most churches are today, Jesus is telling everyone to basically follow his ministry. Traveling and telling people this good news. Very cool.

Psalm 34:11-22

 11 Come, my children, and listen to me,
      and I will teach you to fear the Lord.
 12 Does anyone want to live a life
      that is long and prosperous?
 13 Then keep your tongue from speaking evil
      and your lips from telling lies!
 14 Turn away from evil and do good.
      Search for peace, and work to maintain it.

The thing I like about this passage is that last verse there, verse 14. "Turn away from evil and do good." I think a lot of times, Christians focus so much on the first half of that verse, and forget to do the second half. They focus on fixing themselves, but in the meantime neglect the broken world we live in and neglect to help people as we've been called to do. There is such a "bubble" mentality among some sects of Christianity that I think needs to change. It's time that Christians start doing good for others. And I'm including myself in that sentiment. Hold me to it if you see me regularly. Ask me what I've done for others in the past couple days. I don't want to get lax on that.

Proverbs 9:9-10

Fear of the Lord is the foundation of wisdom.
      Knowledge of the Holy One results in good judgment.
I think that Solomon said something very similar in an earlier proverb. Something about the fear of the Lord is the root of all wisdom or something. I'm a little further in my journey now, so let me take a stab at what this means again. If you try to gain knowledge without first fearing God, you will become pompous and self righteous in your knowledge, but fearing God first and then doing the learning will instill humility within the person.

That makes sense, but I know a few very learned, wise people who aren't Christian, nor are they pompous or self righteous. So my interpretation is probably wrong. Well, it was worth a shot.

Excellent. This was probably the best weekend I've had in a very, very long time. If I spent time with you on Saturday, I love all you guys. If I saw you this morning at church, I love you guys. If I had lunch with you at New Corner Pizza in Red Bank, I love you guys. If I had a romantic dinner for two with you at White Castle, I REALLY love you! You're...what I crave. :)

Sorry everyone. Goodnight.

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