This Week's Challenge

Hug somebody who needs it.

Reading from January 8

Hey ho. After dinner and a liberal amount of Mario Bros. Wii, I am settling in for the night and busting out day 8.

Reading for January 8

Genesis 18:16-19:38
Lots of controversial stuff in this reading. This is the story of when Sodom was destroyed by God - but not before some interesting haggling between Abraham and God. Abraham tries to convince God not to destroy Sodom because there may be some good people there. He starts by saying "if you find 50 good people, don't destroy the city" and eventually talks him down to only finding 10 people. But then God destroys the city anyway - with no mention of searching for ten righteous people.

The Bible doesn't say what the sodomites transgressions were, only that they were rotten. There are two theories I'm aware of on this:
1) They were homosexuals
2) They were inhospitable, and violent

There is a scene where a couple Sodomite guards demand to have sex with two human-form angels who came to visit Lot. I think what's happening is not for the sake of pleasure, but rape - some power tripping guards trying to establish dominance over visitors to their town. I think we can all agree that rape is a no-no. So I lean more towards #2 there...

Then in chapter 19, Lot - who was spared from Sodom's destruction - is liquored up and raped by his two daughters so they could continue the family line. People are freaking crazy.

Matthew 6:25-7:14
One of the most comforting passages in the Bible:

25"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?"
Psalm 8:1-9
This is quite a change of pace here. I actually had to double check that this was still David writing this one. The tone has changed from "God, please kill everyone" to "God, you are amazing." So either God did kill everyone that David asked (unlikely), or God made David have  a significant change of heart. He actually talks about how great humanity is! And how honored we are to be "a little lower than the heavenly beings"

Interesting to see how God can change a man's heart so dramatically.

Proverbs 2:6-15 
Nothing really stands out here.

Alright, so after two days I've noticed little change in my life. And that's OK. I don't expect a miraculous turn-around in my life. In fact, I'm pretty content right now with how things are, sometimes that can be a dangerous place for a Christian: content. It means I don't need God, or at least I don't think I don't, so I neglect Him and neglect spending time with Him.

The image of God that I saw so clearly in Genesis yesterday - the image of a God in regret for how badly his creation had turned out - is going to stick with me throughout this journey, I think. Seeing how God can actually be 'let down' by me is a lot to bear and a serious challenge that I hope I'm capable of meeting. Don't let Him down. In the same way I hoped to impress my parents by doing good in school and being a good kid, I need to have the same attitude about trying to please God, by reading His word and giving it real authority in my life.

K. Bedtime.

Dear God. Thank you for another opportunity to read Your word tonight. I thank you for the insight you've given me and pray that this blog will help others in need of you. Lord, I pray for my old community of Outreach Red Bank. I miss them and pray that they are all doing well and that you would give blessings to those who seek blessings and comfort to those who need comfort. I pray for my wife now as she is travelling - I pray that you give her strength to get through the week and be with her if it gets too stressful. 

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

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