This Week's Challenge

Hug somebody who needs it.

Friday, January 22

So completes probably the toughest week of work ever. I seriously worked nonstop and most nights this week. I am ready to call it a week and hit the hay - but I wanted to make sure I knocked out my reading for the day, so here it is.

Reading for January 22
Genesis 44:1-45:28
A whole lot of text - not a lot of story

Continuing the Joseph story. So him and his brothers have dinner, and he sends them on their way. He frames Benjamin by putting one of his silver cups in his sack. He does this so he can spend more time with them, I think. He reveals to them that he is in fact their brother, and he says something really cool:
"...don’t be angry with yourselves for selling me to this place. It was God who sent me here ahead of you to preserve your lives."
This is kind of one of those destiny things - like God's plan was "X" all along and trying to disrupt it, will only cause it. Kinda like LOST.

Anyway, he finds out that his father, Jacob is still alive and asks his brothers to return to Canaan and bring the whole family back to Egypt to live together. He gives them some sweet stuff and once again sends them on their way. Jacob is totally pumped to find out Joseph is alive.

Matthew 14:13-36
The famous miracles

This is when Jesus feeds five thousand men with just two fish and five loaves of bread. He blessed it and all of a sudden everyone was full, and there were twelve BASKETS of leftovers. That is insane.

Directly after this, the disciples were out in a boat during a storm and getting really worried about their safety. Jesus walks on water to meet them in the middle of the water. The disciples think its a ghost. The interesting thing I noticed is that the Bible says that this happened "around 3:00 in the morning". Based on all the paranormal movies and TV shows I watch, 3:00 AM is supposed to be when paranormal activity is at its strongest. "Dead Time" I think its called. Just interesting, that's all.

The other cool thing here that is often overlooked, is the fact that Peter walks on water too. It's brief, but it happens because he believes Jesus will support him. But he soon gets nervous and begins to sink. Jesus rebukes him saying "you have such little faith", but seriously? It takes a LOT of faith to believe you can walk on water. Give the guy a little credit.

Psalm 18:37-50
Same thing goin on here as before. Although, the cockiness, David...
 43 You gave me victory over my accusers.
      You appointed me ruler over nations;
      people I don’t even know now serve me.
 44 As soon as they hear of me, they submit;
      foreign nations cringe before me.
 45 They all lose their courage
      and come trembling from their strongholds.
Well, now that I look at that again, it's not quite as cocky. It does start with "You gave me..." but still, David seems to be on a power trip. Again, it is important that I look at these as songs that capture the emotion of the moment he was in. David must have kicked a little booty this day...

Proverbs 4:11-13

 13 Take hold of my instructions; don’t let them go.
      Guard them, for they are the key to life.

Alright, Solomon. I'm ready. Tomorrow's reading better actually give me a proverb. Or I'm gonna throw a FIT!

Alrighty, it is now 1 AM. Bed timez. Thanks for reading, chums.

Dear God. Thank you for a week of work where I was needed and busy. I pray that I will always serve my clients with an attitude as if I was serving you. Lord, as I see more problems with Haiti, with the aftershock quake and tsunami, I just pray that you continue to bless and help the hurting and needy at this time. Your word says that you care for the poor and oppressed. Please care for these poor and oppressed people. 

Thank you again for great friends and family in my life. Thank you for the continued motivation to read your word. Thank you for today, and if you will it, thank you for tomorrow. 

I pray these things in Jesus' name. Amen.

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