This Week's Challenge

Hug somebody who needs it.

Reading from Tuesday, November 9

What what.

Reading for November 9
Ezekiel 20:1-49
So a few dudes come to Ezekiel to "inquire of the Lord" which I would assume means "ask him something" but God refuses in a fairly juvenile freakout. He gets all like "you can't ask me anything because your forefathers were so awful!" But just in the last chapter, God was saying how each person is accountable for his own sins and that the sins of a father will not be passed down to the son. And while these poor inquisitive dudes certainly aren't being punished, they are definitely getting and earful from God. I could just imagine that they wanted to ask if it was gonna rain tomorrow because they had a big kickball game scheduled.

Hebrews 9:11-28

But he has appeared once for all at the culmination of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of himself. 27 Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, 28 so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.
In this reading, Paul is talking about the idea of an inhertance or will only being active once someone has died. Even in the first covenant God had with the people, there were animal sacrifices made to make it official. What Jesus was was a kind of once and for all sacrifice that ended the need for any other sacrifice. 

Psalm 107:1-43

God sees us through the storm. (Sorry that's totally corny and cliche)

28 Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble,
   and he brought them out of their distress.
29 He stilled the storm to a whisper;
   the waves of the sea[b] were hushed.
30 They were glad when it grew calm,
   and he guided them to their desired haven.
31 Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love
   and his wonderful deeds for mankind.

Proverbs 27:11

 11 Be wise, my son, and bring joy to my heart;
   then I can answer anyone who treats me with contempt. 

Sweet cuppin cakes.

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