This Week's Challenge

Hug somebody who needs it.


So for the past couple weeks I've been kicking around the idea of making a mini documentary. Well, I won't even limit it to mini in case it becomes bigger than I expect it to. My idea is to interview young people (high school - young adult) who have made radical changes in faith. And this would be in any faith. What I mean by that is like someone who was once a seminary student who is now an athiest, or someone who was an athiest but is now a youth leader. Or someone who switched from one religion to another.

I think I would also like to pepper it with people in the middle. People like myself who were raised Christian, and although never made a radical conversion, adopted the faith in a way that integrated it into everyday life. 

The goal is somewhat selfish, but I think there is also some altruism that can come from it. My personal goal is to discover in other people what makes them believe so fully in God or whatever deity they believe in. What is it that turns someone from an atheist to a faith based person? And through that discovery process, I hope to find what is in me that makes me believe.

The altruistic goal is to show the passion and honesty of young people of different faiths. For a Christian kid to see a Muslim kid share the same type of passion only with a different shading of practices and customs could be immensely powerful.

I don't plan on really starting this until I'm done with the Bible in a year thing, but I see this as the next step in my journey to discovering who I am as a Christian. 

I don't anticipate making any money off of this, or really spending any money on it. I will probably just throw it up on youtube for people to see and if it catches on, great. If not, no big loss. It will replace this blog so I will probably devote as much time to the movie as I do this blog (about an hour a day), but I may continue to blog about the movie making process.

So - here's what I need from you, my friends:

1) Feedback. Does this sound cool or stupid? What can be changed or added? Should I dump the whole idea altogether?
2) People. If you feel like you are a person who has radically changed your views on faith, or know someone who has, let me know. Well, talk to them first to see if they'd be interested in this project and then let me know.

If you could respond in the comments below that would be awesome. 

Thanks, friends.


  1. good idea... Do it! I will say, you might want to see if this type of thing has been done before, not that you can't do it again, or put your spin on it, but it might give you some ideas and a starting point.

  2. I think it is a great idea. I want to see it when it is done.

  3. I think it is a good idea.

  4. Hey Brandon, if you'd like help putting this together I'd love to be involved somehow :)
