This Week's Challenge

Hug somebody who needs it.

'Interesting' Synonyms

So thanks to my friend Amanda, and thanks to the internet, here is a list of synonyms for 'interesting'.

absorbing, intriguing, fascinating, stimulating, gripping, riveting, compelling, arresting, entrancing, engaging, exciting, engrossing, provocative, thought-provoking, pleasing, pleasurable, enjoyable, satisfying, readable, stirring, enthralling, spellbinding, affecting, alluring, exotic, unusual, exceptional, impressive, striking, attractive, appealing, captivating, enchanting, inviting, winning, magnetic, prepossessing, delightful, amusing, refreshing
I'm gonna try to use every one of these whenever I start to use the word 'interesting'. So if you see me describe one of Jesus' sermons as 'pleasurable' - you'll know why...

1 comment:

  1. The motivation part is very hard on some days. I get that. But know that there are others cheering you on in your reading quest. You are doing a great job and you are benefitting in ways you don't even know yet. :-) Keep up the good work for yourself and those around you. Nicole
