This Week's Challenge

Hug somebody who needs it.

Sunday, March 21

Hi there. So I had a little rant last night, so far I don't feel better about it either. I went to church today hoping to hear a message that was "exactly what I needed to hear" - but I did not. I had some conversations afterward about the very thing that got me upset, and found that  there is no easy answer. So here I shall sit, stewing in my self pity.

Reading for March 21
Numbers 32:1-33:39
The majority of this chapter gives the exact locations the Israelites stayed in and traveled through on their way up to this point right now. And they move around quite a bit: I count 23 different cities or areas they stayed in, following a cloud around.

Its not super interesting though, its literally just a list of places...

Luke 4:31-5:11

The calling of the first disciples...again.

So here, the story of Jesus calling Simon the fisherman, but the details are very different. In Matthew, he writes that there were three fishermen, Luke only mentions Simon. Jesus instructions were different as well - in Matthew he tells them to cast the net on the other side of the boat - in Luke, he tells them to cast it in deep water.

Then, in Matthew, it says that they caught so many fish that their nets were breaking. In Luke it says that they fill up two boats so high that the boats begin to sink. I imagine whatever story is closer to the truth - these guys must have known that Jesus was the real deal. They probably never saw so many fish in their entire life. This was their livelihood, and Jesus gave them a tip that paid off big time. The ironic thing is, as soon as Simon strikes the fish jackpot (with Jesus help), Jesus calls him as a disciple - so he's not even able to take advantage of the money he would have received for such a large catch of fish.

Be warned - I am very sleepy...
Psalm 64:1-10

This is same-old, same-old here...

Proverbs 11:22

 22 Like a gold ring in a pig's snout
       is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion.

Tired. night.

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