This Week's Challenge

Hug somebody who needs it.

Reading from January 11

So in light of some terrible world news today, here is the entry for January 11.

Reading for January 11
Genesis 24:52-26:16
I don't understand the significance here yet, but there are striking similarities beteween Abraham's story and Isaac's story. Both of their wives were barren, until they prayed and God gave them children. Isaac and Rebekah went to the same place and told the same king that his wife was his sister. And he fell for it! Again! And then found out, and FREAKED OUT! AGAIN!

The second half of this reading focuses on Isaac's twin sons - Jacob and Esau. Jacob (which means 'he deceives') made Esau sell him his birthright - which I guess is his inheretence - for a bowl of soup. What a jerk!

Matthew 8:18-34
There are three main things that happen here:

1) Jesus outlines the cost of following him in that He has "no place to rest his head".

He also shows how you should follow Him - someone says they want to follow Jesus but he has to bury his father first. Bascially when you follow Jesus you need to have no strings attached - it's all or nothing. This further highlights how the first disciples followed him. They "immediately" dropped what they were doing and followed Him.

2) Jesus calms the storm.

Jesus and the disciples are in the boat when a huge storm sweeps up. They are afraid and Jesus calmly tells them to have faith and stops the storm. They are amazed at his level of power that "even the winds and waves obey Him!"

3) Jesus heals two demon posessed men.

There are a number of demons inhabiting two men. Jesus sends them out of the men and into a herd of pigs. The pigs then run off a cliff and drown. Then everyone asks Jesus to leave. I think what's happening here is not only anger of losing the herd of pigs, but also fear of His power. We fear what we don't understand.

Is that where fear of God should come from? Becuase we could never understand Him?

Psalm 10:1-15
A lot of attention is paid here to what kind of deeds an evil person does. And then we're back to David asking God to strike down these evil people.

Proverbs 3:7-8
"Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and shun evil. This will bring heath to your body and nourishment to your bones."

So doing these things will be physically beneficial to you. Interesting. I need to watch out for the 'being wise in my own eyes' thing. I heard a great piece of wisdom the other day, and it was this:

"Confidence increases faster than skill."

So, I do a little blogging, I get some good feedback, all of a sudden I'm the Shakespeare of the interent in my mind. I need to watch myself and keep my confidence and ego in check. After all, that little self gratifying hit counter I put over there on the right only says "9" right now. Although, from a purely vain standpoint, I would love for everyone to read this and tell me how smart I am - but that would be contrary to what I'm doing here...

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